You can also use Ctrl+Alt+I (for invert). One example is Ctrl+Alt+N (for negative). Then assign a shortcut (click on “New Accelerator…”).
The command should be “ xcalib -i -a” or “ /usr/bin/xcalib -i -a” (“/usr/bin” is where your computer stores your terminal commands in your file system). Add a new shortcut (with the “+” button). Under Cinnamon, for example, you have to go to Keyboards first and then when it opens up, go to the Shortcuts tab and then go to Custom Shortcuts. Keyboard Shortcuts: If you want to assign a keyboard shortcut to invert screen colors, go to where you have Keyboard Shortcuts. Still, it worked for me and should work for you, too! Enjoy! Unfortunately, I cannot get a screenshot of this, as the screenshot does not take into account the inverted colors. Your computer may not have the xcalib package installed, and you may be prompted to install it with this code:
It can be done by opening your terminal and typing To have your screen invert colors, all it requires is a one-line script once you download one small package! ).
Are your eyes getting tired of reading black text on a white background? Particularly if you read in a dark room? (Now a previous post describes how Evince, a freedom-respecting alternative to Adobe’s bloated PDF reader, can do this automatically with PDF files.)